5 Ways to Handle Stress Around The Holidays

When we have time off for a holiday, it’s supposed to be a joyous time… The gatherings, catching up with friends, seeing family from out of town. Or even just catching up on our to-do lists. Unfortunately, it rarely ever is 100% positive the whole time. Holidays can, in fact, be extremely stressful.

Remember when we were kids, and we had a whole holiday break? Holidays were filled with nothing but friends, relaxation, and time away from homework. Now, in the real world, we often only have a few days away from work responsibilities! And so much more to do. When a holiday rolls around, we often try to cram as much as we can into a short period, whether that is preparing for a gathering or catching up on errands. There is a whole lot to do and not a lot of time to do it!

Instead of letting the holiday stress get to you, here are five ways you can manage these stressful times a little more efficiently:

1.Try To Plan Ahead Of Time

One of the best ways to begin combating stress around a holiday is to try to plan out the most important things you want to get done. The main reason why the holidays are so stressful is that we are trying to get as much done as possible! However, that often just leaves us feeling as if we are chickens running around with no heads! Planning out what you absolutely have to do and then what you should get done (not an absolute requirement) is a great place to start.

2. Practice Self-Care

We are so busy during a holiday that we often don’t prioritize putting ourselves first… Combating stress also means just taking a step back and doing something for ourselves, too. Self-care will look different for everyone but can sometimes include:

  • Reading a book or watching a movie

  • Listening to music you like

  • Going for a walk by yourself

3. Accept That It Won’t Be Perfect

As adults, we often look back on holiday breaks from our childhood with fondness. We remember all of the good times and none of the bad. So it’s not surprising that as adults, we look to the holidays as a time when everything will be perfect. But it rarely ever is... It can help you feel grounded and more steady if you accept that things won’t go as planned. That there will be snags and imperfections along the way. And that’s okay.

4. You Can’t Change How Others Behave

So your out-of-town family is coming in for a holiday. Or maybe you are going to them. And while family is everything, it doesn’t mean they don’t drive us nuts in the process! It is incredibly easy to become frustrated and overwhelmed by the actions and words of other people. Especially when they are our own family, you can’t change these things, but you can change how you react to them.

Instead of becoming frustrated, understand that you have the right to walk away or excuse yourself. Take a deep breath, and then return to the conversation when you feel more leveled out. And sometimes, the things they are doing have nothing to do with you. Holidays are stressful for everyone, after all.

5. Talk To A Licensed Therapist

It is incredibly common for us to feel very stressed out during the holidays. So much so that this stress ends up carrying over long after the holiday is over and life is back to normal. A great way to learn how to manage holiday stress is by learning techniques to help you do this. Connect with me today to learn how anxiety therapy can help you ease the tension and stress during the holidays or any other time.


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